The history of the Christian M. Walter Silk-screen printing workshop
We printed on large surfaces in the exhibition Eladio Dieste 1943-1996, Seville, Montevideo. A production of the Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Obras Públicas y Transportes and Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional.
We started the collection of graphic works «in pocket format» Triple-B-Las Vegas, with a single, affordable price, which to date has some thirty works published.
We published the Manodehierro collection with creations by the authors Chema Cobo, Jorge Dragón, Victoria Gil, Federico Guzmán and Rogelio López Cuenca, which was presented to the public at the Palacio de Salinas in Málaga at the headquarters of the CIEDES Foundation.
Exhibition of works produced by the workshop at the Galería Jabalcuz, Jaén.
We printed on large surfaces in the exhibition AAXX Austria, Architecture of the 20th Century, which was held at the Andalusian Centre of Contemporary Art, Seville, and at the Nuevos Ministerios Exhibition Hall of the Ministry of Public Works, Madrid. A production of the Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Obras Públicas y Transportes, Ministerio de Fomento, and Architekturzentrum Wien.
We begin collaboration with the magazine Inediciones, edited by JGarcía; four issues will be published with serigraphs by the authors Julio Juste, Koji Kamoji, François Morellet and Gustavo Torner.
We give a silkscreen printing course for artists at the Centro Andaluz de Arte Seriado, Alcalá la Real, Jaén.
We print Las Elegías de Juan Vida, an artist’s book by Juan Vida with poems by Luis García Montero, Galería Almirante, Madrid.
We made the pieces for the installation Tempus fugit / El Tiempo vuela de Soledad Sevilla, a work exhibited at the Galería Soledad Lorenzo, Madrid, and at the Palacio de la Madraza, Granada (2000).
For the museum project for the remodelling of the Casa de los Tiros Museum designed by the artist Julio Juste, we made the silkscreen prints for walls and large surfaces.
We gave a silkscreen printing course for artists at the Centro Andaluz de Arte Seriado, in Alcalá la Real, Jaén. Within the framework of the CAAS activities, we carried out an action in a public space with the artist Manuel Vela: a 300-metre silkscreen printed on a mobile printing table: Mil Motas y Elvis.
Prints on different materials in the installation Party Carolino by the artist Julio Juste, part of the exhibition «Granada, la Civdad Carolina y la Universidad«, at the Centro Cultural Puerta Real; a production of CajaGranada and the University of Granada.
In the Galería Jabalcuz, Jaén, we make an exhibition of works made in the workshop.
Exhibition of works produced in the workshop at the Acanto Gallery, Almería.
We participate in the tenth edition of ESTAMPA – International Exhibition of Contemporary Art Prints and Editions, at the Casa de Campo exhibition centre, Madrid; we present editions by the artists Pablo Álvarez de Toledo, Jorge Balboa, Jesús Conde, Equipo Límite, Julio Juste, Paco Lagares, Joaquín Peña-Toro, Soledad Sevilla, Manuel Vela, Juan Vida and Antje Wichtrey, among others.
We made the pieces for the installation Te llamaré hoja by Soledad Sevilla, exhibited at the SCQ Gallery, Santiago de Compostela and at the Fundación Bilbao Arte, Bilbao, 2002.
The Taller de Serigrafía Christian M. Walter is distinguished for the first time in the FESPA-Premier Award, a triennial worldwide competition organised by the European Federation of Screen Printing Associations. The award is the Silver Award in the category of artistic screen printing.
We participate again in ESTAMPA – Salón Internacional del Grabado y Ediciones de Arte Contemporáneo, Casa de Campo exhibition centre, Madrid; this time with works by the artists Rogelio López Cuenca, Agustín Ruiz de Almodóvar Sel, Santiago Ydáñez and Jesús Zurita.
We publish the portfolio Five Dialogues by the Cuban-American artist Waldo Balart and the Chilean poet Gonzalo Rojas (Cervantes Prize 2003).
Christian M. Walter teaches a silkscreen printing course for artists at the Bilbao Arte Foundation, Bilbao.
We produce for the Centro Andaluz de las Letras, Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía, the travelling exhibition Rafael Alberti, el poema compartido. This exhibition was followed by six others which toured the eight Andalusian provinces: Juan Valera: Cien años después, 1905/2005; María Zambrano: La aurora del pensamiento; Amar leer by Juan Mata and Andrea Villarubia; Manuel Altolaguirre: El espacio interior, 1905/1959; Francisco Ayala: De mis pasos en la tierra, and Una densa polimorfía de belleza. Góngora y el Grupo del 27.
Third participation in ESTAMPA – Salón Internacional del Grabado y Ediciones de Arte Contemporáneo, Casa de Campo exhibition centre, Madrid; we presented editions by the artists Jorge Dragón, José García, Pedro Garciarias, Rogelio López Cuenca and Agustín Ruiz de Almodóvar Sel.
We gave a silkscreen printing course for artists at the Centro Murciano de Arte Gráfico El Jardinico, in Caravaca de la Cruz, Murcia.
Shared coordination of the exhibition Cinco diálogos de Waldo Balart, Casa Museo de los Tiros; production of the Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura and CajaGranada Obra Social. Paintings and a light installation by Waldo Balart are shown together with Cinco Diálogos, the portfolio we edited with works by Balart and the Cervantes Prize winner Gonzalo Rojas.
Infograms of the new location of the restored lion of the fountain in the Patio de los Leones. Museum of the Alhambra.
XIII ESTAMPA – Salón Internacional del Grabado y Ediciones de Arte Contemporáneo, Casa de Campo exhibition centre, Madrid; we present editions by the artists Pablo Álvarez de Toledo, Waldo Balart, Dámaso Ruano, Elio Rodríguez and Agustín Ruiz de Almodóvar Sel.
We are invited to the IV Bienal de Estampa Original Contemporánea held in Ayamonte, Huelva where we exhibit several of our editions.
XIV ESTAMPA – Salón Internacional del Grabado y Ediciones de Arte Contemporáneo, Casa de Campo exhibition centre, Madrid; presenting editions by the artists Ángeles Agrela, José Píñar and Santiago Ydáñez.
Christian M. Walter teaches a silkscreen printing course for artists, organised by the Fundación Antonio Pérez, at the Escuela de Arte de Cuenca.
We carried out the silk-screen printing treatment of the Camino de la memoria by Carmen Moreno Álvarez, in the Cortijo de las Colonias in Víznar, Granada. An intervention in the landscape in memory of Federico García Lorca: a 40 x 0.9 m. print made with epoxy resins on a reinforced concrete floor.
We collaborated in the exhibition Berlintendenzen. La Capella. Virreina Exposicions, Barcelona. Institut de Cultura de Barcelona. Barcelona City Council.
Exhibition Christian M. Walter. Two decades of serigraphy, at the Centro Cultural San Antón de CajaGranada.
XV ESTAMPA – Salón Internacional del Grabado y Ediciones de Arte Contemporáneo, Recinto Ferial Juan Carlos I. IFEMA, Madrid; invited by the City Council of Rivas-Vaciamadrid, we present works by José Buitrago, Rogelio López Cuenca, Mar Solís and Santiago Ydáñez.
We collaborate in a project of Fundación ArtSur (Madrid) carried out by the Fundación Casa de los Tres Mundos in Granada, Nicaragua. This cultural cooperation project promotes the training of future professionals and job creation through the implementation of workshops in printmaking (run by Fernando Belver), handmade paper (with Juan Barbé) and artistic screen printing (Christian M. Walter).
Christian M. Walter gives a silkscreen printing course for artists at the «Federico García Lorca» Cultural Centre in Rivas-Vaciamadrid (Madrid).
Following the collaboration with ArtSur, Christian M. Walter gives an advanced course in Nicaragua and an introductory course at the Centro Metropolitano de Cultura in Guatemala.
Exhibition Sobre bastidores – un taller en la Vega at the Centro Damián Bayón – Instituto de América, Santa Fé (Granada); Ayuntamiento de Santa Fé, Diputación de Granada, Junta de Andalucía.
Exhibition Christian M. Walter – Serigraphy Workshop at the Museo de Obra Gráfica de San Clemente, S. Clemente (Cuenca).
In another ArtSur Foundation project we worked with the Atelier La Source du Lion in a similar project to the previous ones in Casablanca (Morocco).
Serigrafía Expandida – del papel a la intervención serigráfica-, Seminario de Gráfica en BilbaoArte, together with Pilar Valdivieso, artist in charge of the Printmaking and Serigraphy workshop of the Fundación Bilbao Arte Fundazioa.
Christian M. Walter joins the university cooperation group Arquitectura, Territorio y Salud – ArTeS, in Seville. As a member of this group he participates in the International Seminar on Rehabilitation and Improvement of Neighbourhoods; Research – Management – Action, and in the 1st Meeting of Cooperation Groups of the University of Seville.
Exhibition El taller de los artistas – Serigrafías – Christian M. Walter Edición, at Galería El Punto Rojo and El Tragaluz, Granada.
Exhibition Tinta Plana – Christian M. Walter – Serigraphy Workshop, Sala de Arte El Butrón, Seville. Curated by Joaquín Peña Toro.
Serigrafía Artística: de la idea al soporte, Summer course at the Taller de Grabado La Granja, Granada. In collaboration with Emilio Luis Fernández Garrido.
We participate in the II Encuentro de Investigación Transfronteriza Hispano-Marroquí, Centro de Estudios Hispano-Marroquíes, Málaga.
Exhibition Tinta Plana – Christian M. Walter – Serigraphy Workshop, Casa-Molino Ángel Ganivet, Diputación Provincial de Granada. Curated by Joaquín Peña Toro.
Presentation of the silkscreen prints Red and Estela by Rosa Brun, at the Centro de Arte CACMálaga.
Exhibition Ojo=Mancha, Sala de Arte El Butrón, Seville. In conjunction with the serigrapher Rodrigo Tavera. Curated by Rocío & Fran Silva.
We edited Paco Pomet‘s International silkscreen printing.
Development of silkscreen techniques, Summer course in our workshop in Belicena. In cooperation with Emilio Luis Fernández Garrido.
Initiation to silkscreen printing, summer course at the Taller de Grabado La Granja, Granada. In cooperation with Emilio Luis Fernández Garrido.
Within the framework of the Etnomed Project of the Diputación de Granada, the first intergenerational participatory round table for the dissemination of ethnographic heritage is held at our facilities: Workshop on artisan silk-screen printing techniques. Christian M. Walter.
We participate in the art fair Cologne Paper Art, in Cologne, Germany.
Exhibition Consonantes – Serigraphs by the Christian M. Walter Workshop, Fundación Antonio Gala, Córdoba. Curated by Joaquín Peña Toro.
We published the silkscreen Rojo, by Paco Pomet. With this silkscreen we culminate a research started in 2010 with which we developed our own process of colour separation in the workshop.
Interventions in Desde fuera – V Semana del Diseño de la Escuela de Arte Almería: Conference La serigrafía expandida and participation in the workshop Diseñar desde los sentidos coordinated by Pilar Villén.
Medal of Merit awarded by the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Granada.
We exhibit our work at the Escuela de Arte José Nogué in Jaén and at the Sala de Exposiciones Dall Villa Art, in El Ejido, Almería.
We obtain the FESPA GOLD AWARD in the edition held in Amsterdam in the category «Serigraphs and Fine-Art». This award, given by the European Federation of Screen Printing Associations, is considered the only global competition for print service providers and rewards excellence in screen and digital printing. The winning entry is Rojo by Paco Pomet.
Exhibition Tinta plana / Tinta laua at Tabakalera’s Sala Nana, Design Culture, in San Sebastian/Donostia as part of the European Capital of Culture programme.
We won the FESPA BRONZE AWARD at the edition held in Hamburg, in the category of original screen prints and art reproductions.
Exhibition 30/30 – Christian M. Walter – Serigraphy Workshop – Edition in the Museum of Jaén. Organised by:
We obtained two FESPA awards in the edition held in Berlin, the SILVER AWARD and the BRONZE AWARD in the category «Serigraphs and Fine-Art» with works by Sebas Velasco (Warszawa Wschodnia) and Paco Pomet (Los dibujantes).
FESPA-Spain awards us a double prize in the Ramón Sayans Award 2019, for the best «Serigraphy» and the «Best work of the year», for the artist’s book «New York» by Sergio García Sánchez.
In November, Christian M. Walter is elected as a member of the Board of Directors of FESPA-Spain.
We obtain the FESPA GOLD AWARD 2020 in the category «Serigraphs and Fine-Art» and the FESPA BEST IN SHOW AWARD 2020 for the best work among all categories with the artist’s book «New York» by Sergio García Sánchez.